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Security Cameras

UT is committed to enhancing the quality of life of the campus community by integrating the best practices of safety and security with technology. A critical component of a comprehensive security plan is the utilization of video surveillance equipment. The use of video surveillance equipment is intended to deter crime and assist in protecting the safety and property of the UT community, including investigative leads for past incidents.

The attached procedure addresses one of the university’s safety and security needs while respecting and preserving individual privacy rights in accordance with the university’s core values and state and federal laws. This procedure is adopted to formalize procedures for the installation of video surveillance equipment and the handling, viewing, retention, dissemination, and destruction of video surveillance records. The existence of this procedure does not imply or guarantee that video surveillance equipment will be monitored in real time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. UT assumes no additional liability for campus safety as a result of utilizing video surveillance systems and/or making determinations of when it is/is not monitored in real time.

You can learn more about video surveillance by heading to the Physical Security portion of the Public Safety website. Before submitting the camera approval form,  please read and familiarize yourself with the campus video surveillance procedure on the acceptable use of video surveillance equipment.