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Upcoming Run/Hide/Fight Drill

When and where is the next run hide fight drill

There are currently no upcoming drills. Contact the Community Relations Unit here to set up your Community Response to an Active Shooter Class and Run/Hide/Fight Drill.

How can I prepare for the upcoming drill?

Individual employees can sign-up for our “Community Response to an Active Shooter” training through K@TE, the online training portal. Training will be held at the conference center.

If a department or group would like to have us come over and teach, please fill out our educational programming request form, and we will get in contact with you over when we can come out and teach.

Who will be facilitating the drill

The University of Tennessee Police Department along with the members from your specific department will facilitate the drill. Safety Monitors and Police Officers that facilitate the drill typically wear Hi-Vis safety vests.

Who should participate in the drill

Everyone inside the building should participate in the drill.

What is expected from a participant

Participants are expected to use what they learned from the Run, Hide, Fight program and incorporate their training in the drill. Please DO NOT fight the actors or actively barricade and/or damage doors or other property. However, the participants should have in mind what they would use to barricade the doors and/or fight with. If running, the participants should stop directly outside the exit doors. If hiding, the participant should lock the door, silence their phones, and turn off the lights.

What to expect before, during and after the drill

Before the drill, we will place warning signs on all entrances to the building.  Directly before the drill our safety monitors will enter the building and go to their assigned areas. Safety monitors will also speak with the third party vendors and students in open areas to remind them of the drill.

During the drill, one officer who will also be wearing a Hi-Vis safety vest will be blowing a whistle to simulate gun fire. Participants’ expectations are listed above.

After the drill is over, safety monitors will yell “all clear” signaling the end of the drill. Safety monitors will also yell “all clear” at every entrance of the building to alert those who chose to run. A post-briefing will be done with all facilitators going over what was seen and/or heard and any improvements to the training and/or drill.

How do I know this is just a drill and not a real event

We will only be blowing a whistle. Weapons (and/or gun props) will not be utilized. There will not be any gunfire noises. Safety monitors will be located throughout the building and will be wearing a Hi-Vis safety vest to be easily identifiable.

Where can I find more information on the Run, Hide, Fight program

More information on the run, hide, fight program can be found at