On November 11, 2004, Benjamin Arthur Bohanan was tragically killed in a car accident on his way home from work. Ben was an extremely respected and valued member of the UT Police Department. In his honor, we established an endowed fund that will provide financial aid to legal dependents of University of Tennessee Police Department Personnel, past and present, at the Knoxville campus. Since the inception of this fund, the fund’s name has been amended to recognize other officers who have passed including Steven Orlan Nelson and Fred Jack Holt. This endowment provides scholarship money that enables recipients to attend the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
The University of Tennessee Police Department continues to reach out to the community to strengthen partnerships with individuals, groups, and local businesses. We ask that you take time to consider making a donation to this scholarship fund. This scholarship fund provides a mechanism to not only recognize our departed officers, but to build on the future of the incoming University of Tennessee students.
Donations to the fund are tax-deductible and receive preference for certain types of athletic event tickets.
The University of Tennessee Police Department sponsors a Golf Tournament at Three Ridges Golf Course to benefit the Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Give to the Memorial Scholarship Fund