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Active Shooter Class and Drill

One of the most frightening situations that can occur on a college campus is dealing with an active shooter. An active shooter is a person who is actively threatening lives or prepared to threaten lives in a populated  area. Schedule a drill for your department or building by submitting a request. You must take the Active Shooter Response for Civilians class before participating in a drill.  We can schedule a two hour block to teach the class and perform the drill in the same day. By scheduling a drill, you can practice what you just learned.

Request a Program



  • Have an escape plan in mind.
  • If you are outside a building near the threat, go to the nearest cover immediately.
  • If you are inside the building and you are confident you know the shooter’s location and have a clear path to an exit, evacuate immediately, and take others with you if possible.
  • Prevent others from entering the building.
  • Keep your hands empty and visible and follow all instructions from police.
  • Tell police anything you know about the shooter (location, weapons, etc).

If you are inside a building and the shooter(s) location is unknown, the safest option is normally to barricade:

  • Lock and barricade doors with heavy furniture.
  • Stay away from doors or windows.
  • Turn off lights.
  • Block windows.
  • Turn off radios and computer monitors.
  • Keep yourself out of sight (take cover/protection from bullets by using concrete walls or heavy furniture)
  • Silence your cell phone.
  • Quietly report to 911:
    • Your specific location
    • Number of people at your location
    • Number of injured and types of injuries
    • Assailant(s) – location, number of suspects, race/gender, clothing description, physical features, types of weapons, backpack, shooter’s identity (if known), separate explosions from gunfire, etc.
    • If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.

As a last resort, and only if your life is in immediate danger, attempt to stop the attacker by:

  • Working as a group if possible
  • Utilizing improvised weapons
  • Committing to your actions
  • Acting with physical aggression