General Fort Sanders Information
- Most densely populated area in Knoxville
- UT has a few buildings in the area, only one building north of White Avenue
- 474-acre area with more than fifty city blocks
- Population over 15,000, and more than 3,100 residential units
- Area map: UT/Fort Sanders map
Police Coverage
- Area patrolled by both UTPD and KPD
- Primary jurisdiction of KPD
- UTPD responds to in-progress incidents
- UTPD investigators work in conjunction with KPD on crimes involving students
- KPD has more than 300 officers, UTPD has more than 60
Fort Sanders Safety Initiatives
- 16th Street Safety Corridor
- Added street lights
- Emergency Blue Phones
- Added cameras
- Area residence halls patrolled by UTPD Police Officers
- T:Link late night shuttle service
- Security assessments provided at no charge
- Participates with Student Government Association Safety Walk
- UTPD participates with the Cumberland Avenue Merchants Association
- Timely notifications by e-mail and flyers for serious incidents in the area
- UT Alert text message alerts for registered staff, faculty, and students
Important Reference Information
Emergency: 911
UTPD: 865-974-3111
KPD: 865-215-7000
Campus Public Safety:
Knoxville City Services: 311